
Personal Finance Reading Activity Bundle (SS6E13a-d, SS7E10a-d) GSE Aligned

Original price was: $14.60.Current price is: $12.40.

Your students will love learning about basic principles of effective personal money management with these engaging, no prep reading activities! This is perfect for adding literacy to your social studies curriculum because it’s academically-aligned for ELA and for social studies. Plus, it’s so easy to use that you can even leave it for sub plans!

PDF DOWNLOAD | | 30+ pages

Original price was: $3.65.Current price is: $3.10.
Original price was: $3.65.Current price is: $3.10.
Original price was: $3.65.Current price is: $3.10.
Original price was: $3.65.Current price is: $3.10.


Your students will love learning about basic principles of effective personal money management with these engaging, no prep reading activities! This is perfect for adding literacy to your social studies curriculum because it’s academically-aligned for ELA and for social studies. Plus, it’s so easy to use that you can even leave it for sub plans!

**There are FOUR resources included in this resource — that’s 30+ pages

Resource 1: Personal Income Reading Activity (SS6E13a; SS7E10a)

➊ Passage (leveled for 6th/7th grade)

➋ Graphic Organizer

➌ Main Idea & Supporting Detail Prompt

➍ Matching Activity

➎ Multiple Choice Activity

➏ Writing Activity

➐ Answer Keys

Resource 2: Understanding Budgets Reading Activity (SS6E13b; SS7E10b)

➊ Passage (leveled for 6th grade)

➋ Graphic Organizer

➌ Main Idea & Supporting Detail Prompt

➍ Matching Activity

➎ Multiple Choice Activity

➏ Real-World Activity

➐ Answer Keys

Resource 3: Importance of Saving Reading Activity (SS6E13c; SS7E10c)

➊ Passage (leveled for 6th grade)

➋ Main Idea Prompt

➌ Matching Activity

➍ Multiple Choice Activity

➎ Constructed Response Prompt with rubric

➏ Answer Keys

Resource 4: Uses and Costs of Credit (SS6E13d; SS7E10d)

➊ Passage (leveled for 6th grade)

➋ Graphic Organizer

➌ Main Idea & Supporting Detail Prompt

➍ Matching Activity

➎ Multiple Choice Activity

➏ Answer Keys



Are answer keys included?

Yes. The answer keys are included as the last pages of the resource download.

Do all the activity worksheets need to be completed all at once, or can I split it up?

You could certainly split this up into multiple days/activities. Especially with the long resources. Some activities are easy to split into three “activities”. First, cold read (could be a partner read) w/vocab and multiple choice questions. Second, re-read and summary page. Third, choose one writing activity. You could even do stations. Maybe partner read first, then one station does the vocabulary and summary page. Another station could do the multiple choice, and you could do a teacher-led station with one writing prompt. Then, you can have a fourth station independently write the other prompt. Of course, you know your students better than I do! These are just some ideas!! I try to section out the activities, so you have the freedom to make it work for you!

Is a digital version included?

Not always. Be sure to check the description to see if the specific resource has a digital version included.

What is the Lexile level of your reading passages?

Since Lexile is trademarked, I am unable to label them as Lexile levels. However, I have used the free Lexile analyzer and I stay within the recommended grade level range. If there is a specific reading packet that you need details for, please contact me directly and I’ll give you a more specific range.

I just purchased a resource, but I didn’t get it (or can’t find it).

Double-check the SPAM folder in your email inbox. If you find it there, be sure to mark it “NOT SPAM” to keep others from going there. If it is not in your email (inbox or spam folder) after 15 minutes, please reach out with your purchase number.

If you got the email and clicked on the link but can’t find the file, check your downloads folder. The link provided is a FORCE DOWNLOAD link, so it will automatically download to your computer once clicked. Typically this will go to your downloads folder or your desktop, unless otherwise set.

How do I get the downloaded resource from my computer to my Google Drive?

You’ll need to upload the file to your Google Drive. Click here for the quick and easy steps.

Standards Covered

SS6E13 Understand that a basic principle of effective personal money management is to live within one’s income.

a. Understand that income is received from work and is limited.

b. Understand that a budget is a tool to plan the spending and saving of income.

c. Understand the reasons and benefits of saving.

d. Understand the uses and costs of credit.


Click here to view the full Georgia Standards of Excellence.